SnapperWorks is simple and brilliant

7 okt 2021• Over Axelent

Our user-friendly drawing application SnapperWorks

Thanks to Axelent’s in-house developed, user-friendly drawing application SnapperWorks, our customers enables to get a quick layout drawing of for example X-Guard. At the same time that you draw the machine guard you can also choose to get a drawing which includes our cable trays (X-Tray for X-Guard).

Everything is prepared so that you can only click, drag and get a complete drawing with all the parts you need.


It is that simple and quick to get an overview of what you need and what your mesh panel system will look like. The drawing can then be used as an order basis.


The benefits of SnapperWorks are many …

  • It is tailored to Axelent’s modules and contains all our mesh panel, machine safety systems and cablemanagement.
  • It is easy to learn.
  • The program enables you to import DWG and DXF files and draw, for instance, panels straight onto the drawing.
  • From specified lengths you can let the program configure the most economical panel layout.
  • It quickly provides you with a complete drawing including material specifications.


Did you know that:

  • SnapperWork is made by Axelent = We support you from our office
  • Every month 1800 STEP-files generates out of SnapperWorks = 21 600 / year
  • We have about 1700 license all over the world
  • We update the program 2 per year with new features
  • Webupdates with new products
  • The drawing can be used as an order basis


Read more here 

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